Cloud Services
- Calendar Service Updates – updated 01/09/2025
- Cloud Service Updates
- SFU (Selective Forwarding Unit) Updates
- Reporting Service Updates
- Service Updates
- Miscellaneous Historic Updates
Calendar Service Updates
January 9, 2025
- Fixed Connect Plus Gateway call provisioning for Google Workspace calendars that have a time zone preference.
- Improved Connect Plus Gateway handling of MS Teams invitations sent from mobile Outlook clients to Microsoft 365 calendars without body text.
October 02, 2024
Lifesize’s calendar integration now uses an updated method of subscribing to and receiving push notifications for Microsoft 365 calendar events for Icons. The permissions needed for Lifesize to work with Microsoft’s new APIs have changed.
To continue using Microsoft 365 calendars with Lifesize, you must consent to a new set of permissions.
There are two ways you can agree to these permissions:
- You can use the Lifesize Admin Console to relink your calendar integration
- You can use the Microsoft Entra Admin Center to manually re-consent to the Lifesize application’s requested permissions
Relink through Lifesize Admin Console
The easiest way to consent to these new permissions is through Lifesize Admin Console.
Follow these steps:
- Navigate to
- Log in as an administrator or super user for the account if prompted.
- In the same browser window or tab, navigate to
- Select Microsoft 365 and complete the Microsoft sign-in and permissions consent process.
If you are unable to relink your calendar integration using Lifesize Admin Console, you will need to consent to the permissions in Microsoft Entra Admin Center manually.
Manually Grant Permissions
- Log into the Microsoft Entra Admin Center using your administrator login and password.
- Navigate to Identity > Applications > Enterprise Applications > All Applications.
- Enter Lifesize in the search box, then select Lifesize Calendar from the search results.
- Select Security, and then select Permissions.
- Click the Grant admin consent button.
Note: The permissions you are granting to Lifesize Calendar are User.Read.All and Calendars.Read for Microsoft Graph.
After you grant the new permissions, the Lifesize calendar service should work with Microsoft 365. If you experience problems, contact Enghouse Interactive support.
September 12, 2024
- Improved Connect Plus Gateway meetings connectivity for Zoom invitations
July 02, 2024
- Added the ability for Icons using Connect Plus Gateway to join Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Zoom meetings via calendar invites.
- Added the ability for a Lifesize Icon joining a Microsoft Teams meeting with Connect Plus Gateway to join the meeting without manual intervention. Use the “Setting up Synergy SKY Auto-Admit Feature” instructions to configure the Lobby Auto-Admit bot.
November 23, 2022
- Introduced the “one click join” user experience for scheduled Microsoft Teams meetings on Lifesize Icon 300/500/700 systems with Connect Plus. Systems must be running v4.3.1 (or later) software with the following third-party Linux apps installed:
- Microsoft Teams desktop app – Icon 500/700 only.
- Google Chrome™ web browser – Icon 300 only.
April 16, 2022
- Display and “one-click join” user experience enabled for scheduled RingCentral Video· meetings on paired Lifesize Icon systems.
January 28, 2022
- Display and “one-click join” user experience enabled for scheduled BlueJeans™ meetings on paired Lifesize Icon systems
March 10, 2021
- We have resolved issues with the Outlook add-in not working as expected with shared calendars
March 9, 2021
- Incorrect dialstring was sent to an Icon by calendar service when sending a Zoom invitation
December 2, 2020
- Accounts using the Lifesize Google Workspace Add-on now have one-time meetings as the default call setting, if one-time meetings are enabled on that account
November 19, 2020
- Users were unable to click on a calendar appointment using the Phone HD for invitations generated by the Lifesize bot for Microsoft Teams
October 22, 2020
- Issues with recognizing call information from a Google Calendar invitation so that the button to join a call can pop up on the PhoneHD
October 13, 2020
- Calendars of meetings that were planned from Microsoft Teams and received by Icon systems could not be joined by clicking on the meeting
October 7, 2020
- Error message advising “Could not contact your exchange server” when trying to subscribe to calendar service using Microsoft Exchange Server
- Issues with Icon calendars not working on invitations from Google calendars have been resolved
Cloud Service Updates
March 12, 2021
- Resolved a specific issue with a user’s Icon displaying an incorrect DSS status
March 11, 2021
- Resolved issues occurring as a result of re-pairing a device as a new device with the existing display name
March 2, 2021
- Resolved issues with logging in to the Google marketplace Lifesize plugin
March 1, 2021
- The maximum call duration for free accounts has been updated to 40 minutes
February 10, 2021
- Issues were resolved with DSS status displayed when there are multiple records for the serial number
November 18, 2020
- Issues with users for a specific account accessing Lifesize directory on mobile clients and getting a purple screen
October 28, 2020
- Issues with some Google Workspace users attempting to log in to their Lifesize extension getting redirected incorrectly to a Single Sign On (SSO) login screen
SFU (Selective Forwarding Unit) Updates
April 16, 2021
- Fixed a reported issue where Cisco SX20 devices are not receiving video from Lifesize Cloud
April 9, 2021
- Lost presentation on live stream following a conference failover
- Resolved an issue with a Cisco unit making a SIP call to a virtual meeting room being unable to start or receive presentations
April 1, 2021
- Improvements have been made to the Panel and Active Speaker layouts that reduce the number of top row participant windows, allowing for larger windows and maximized visual real estate
- Resolved a reported issue with presentations not being received by Cisco from the cloud client
- Issues with a meeting participant receiving presentation audio
- Issues reported with video appearing to flicker before stabilizing on various meetings
March 26, 2021
- Improvements made to address intermittent issues with a delay when an individual un-mutes themselves
- Resolved issues with third party devices connecting to Lifesize via SIP call showing high jitter
- 2 Mbps bandwidth not negotiating though third party device supports higher resolutions
March 19, 2021
- Calling into a Cisco bridge from an Icon or Lifesize app sometimes resulted in the Lifesize participants seeing frozen video
- Issues with presentations failing on Icon 300/500/700 devices when dialed into a Zoom conference with other web/desktop/Icon participants if apps were changed within the sharing desktop window during the streamed presentation or if a blank presentation was observed
- Resolved an issue with a Cisco Room Kit device receiving single stream presentation instead of dual stream with SFU enabled
- Issues with calls dialing gotoMeeting from an SFU enabled account failing to flow media
- Resolved an issue where a Tandberg unit dialing a SIP call to an SFU enabled VMR resulted in the Tandberg video not appearing for connected Lifesize Cloud participants
- Performance improvements for 3rd party devices on SFU enabled conferences
March 12, 2021
- Resolved issues with SIP registered 220 devices on SFU accounts not recognizing DTMF tones with Zoom
March 5, 2021
- Intermittent issues with delays dialing into SFU calls
February 26, 2021
- An issue with presentation display being delayed by up to 60 seconds on third-party device endpoints has been resolved so that the presentation display delay is approximately 5 seconds, as expected for third-party device start/stop/start presentations
February 12, 2021
- Lifesize 200 units were unable to display incoming video when calling on SFU
February 5, 2021
- PSTN participants are displayed with the last four digits of their phone number on their participant tile instead of the full number
- Multiple SFU users experiencing frozen presentations on Windows Desktop client
- Resolved an issue with periodic blank presentations
January 22, 2021
- Improvements have been made to how ‘no capacity’ scenarios are handled, allowing SFU users to continue to join a call while waiting for capacity and full connection
- Participants who dialed into a Lecture mode VMR prior to the lecturer joining the meeting were unable to hear audio until the lecturer joined
- Resolved an issue that presented itself as presentation slides freezing and not displaying slide
progression during a live stream and the associated recording - Unable to send DTMF tones, including meeting access PIN codes, from SFU accounts resulting in meeting dial in attempts disconnecting
January 15, 2021
- Updates have been made to implement RTP based AV syncing on SIP calls
December 31, 2020
- Resolved issues with getting a mechanical noise when dialing into some bridge IP addresses from SFU accounts
December 4, 2020
- Some users who have been moved to the new in-call experience were unable to hear some participants for periods of time during a meeting
November 25, 2020
- Resolved issues that were causing degraded call quality for some users who have been moved to the new in-call experience
Reporting Service Updates
December 2, 2020
- Room system names not appearing in the Admin Console
November 30, 2020
- Improvements to the reporting API service and database queries to resolve errors experienced by some users attempting to retrieve admin console data for a long period of time, such as multiple months
November 17, 2020
- Resolved an issue that was causing the Dashboards to show incorrect call durations for a user
November 1, 2020
- Incomplete participant data for a call that had the passcode requirement changed during the call, resulting in the participants joining after the change not being displayed in past meeting data in the Admin Console
September 1, 2020
- Issues with accessing some live stream reporting have been resolved
August 31, 2020
- Bulk export for all conference data
- Some users experienced a discrepancy between the number of users displayed along with the Active Users count in the dashboard and the registered users under Account Settings
Service Updates
October 27, 2020 Service Updates
- Icon calendar integrations were failing due to updated Microsoft Teams invitations including invalid spaces within conference IDs
- Updates have been made to resolve intermittent issues with uploading recordings
September 13, 2020
- Issues with calls from Microsoft Surface Hubs being rejected due to not being included on the list of allowed users
September 10, 2020
- A web form available to Device Software Subscription (DSS) customers now automatically provisions a Lifesize account with the appropriate features and permissions for DSS only accounts to manage their rooms
- Updates have been made to back end services to improve performance of batch requests to delete accounts
July 24, 2020
- Issues with sending DTMF tones when connecting to Teams using Polycom RealConnect Gateway
September 13, 2019
- Issues with calls from Microsoft Surface Hubs being rejected due to not being included on the list of allowed user
Miscellaneous Historic Updates
March 31, 2021 Version Service
- Resolved an issue where the Rest Password option was not working in the Admin Console
March 30, 2021 Mail Service Updates
- Resolved an issue where some customers received empty ICON Alert emails without data
March 23, 2021 GOOGLE WORKSPACE Updates
- Customers have the ability to schedule a meeting with a room system directly using the Google Workspace add on
March 19, 2021 E-commerce Service Updates
- Improvements have been made to tracking subscription details by adding subscription start and end dates to database tables
- Expired subscriptions that have reverted to free accounts have their maximum call duration set to 40 minutes to align with other free accounts
March 9, 2021 Sign Up Page Updates
- Updates have been made to our signup pages to include the updated Lifesize branding and messaging
March 4, 2021 Version Recording Service Updates
- Resolved issues with audio/video being out of sync on recordings
- Periodic issues with audio/video going out of sync and video freezing during recording download
- Intermittent audio issues present in recording files that were not present during live calls
- Audio/video delays or freezing occurring during live stream
February 10, 2021 Version Account Service Updates
- Resolved an issue where changes made to trial/paid account status and expiration date were not showing properly, though saved accurately
February 8, 2021 Admin Export Service
- Added support for Admin Console requests for large amounts of users, rooms, or meetings to be exported and uploaded to a cloud storage bucket
November 10, 2020 Icon Registration Service Updates
- The Optional Customer Mail ID character limitation has been increased so that the pairing page user interface can support longer addresses
November 9, 2020 Outlook Updates
- Issues reported with scheduling a one-time meeting from the Outlook add-in for Lifesize, resulting in Outlook freezing
- Android and iOS users unable to join meetings from their Lifesize app calendars for invitations that were generated from the Outlook add-in
October 8, 2020 Microsoft Teams Service Updates
- Issues with the Lifesize Bot not responding when reserving a room system in Microsoft Teams
September 28, 2020 Outlook Plugin Update
- An updated Outlook Add In is available, now including Meet Now, Schedule Meetings, and Settings
September 18, 2020 Video IVR Service Updates
- Issues with dialing specific PSTN numbers and extensions
September 16, 2020 Meeting Service Updates
- The character limitation for the names of virtual meeting rooms has been extended
February 19, 2020 500 Way Video Calling
- Lifesize is getting better and better
February 5, 2020 Free Account
- Lifesize now offers a free plan for individual users