Icon 300/500/700
January 31, 2025 – General Availability
January 17, 2025 – Preview
- Added the ability to join a MS Teams, Google Meet, or Zoom meeting using the meeting ID found in the meeting invitation. To enable the Join By ID feature, contact your Lifesize Support Representative.
Note: This feature is only available to users of Connect Plus Gateway.
July 19, 2024 – General Availability
July 19, 2024 – Preview
- Added the ability to default your Icon resolution to 1080p rather than 4K. This allows Lifesize Connect Plus+ to open your meeting quicker. To default your Icon resolution to 1080p, in WebUI on the System Behavior tab, toggle the Set system camera to 1080p resolution to On.
Important: When you change the Set system camera to 1080p resolution toggle to On, your Icon 500/700 will use 1080p instead of 4K to connect to Lifesize. - Updated Lifesize Connect Plus+, so that when it is launched the audio input and audio output default to the system setting in Icon WebUI.
- Improved security and reduced vulnerability of the Icon 300/500/700.
- Strengthened the encryption algorithm for SSH Security.
- Updated and fixed translations in German, Italian, French, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, and English for the following:
- Icon WebUI regarding thirdPartyApp, thirdPartyAppHelp, keepCookies and keepCookiesHelp, keepPrefs and keepPrefsHelp, allData and allDataHelp.
- Chrome regarding Installing Chrome, Virtual keyboard, 1080p setting, and device scale factor.
- Fixed an issue that left AMX and Crestron unable to log into the system after a firmware update on Icon 300/500/700s. After the upgrade the user had to log into the Icon WebUI and toggle the “Lower SSH security” option off and then back on. This issue has been fixed and third-party controllers can now authenticate with Icons after a firmware update without user intervention. Bottom of Form
- Fixed an issue that allowed users to join meetings via calendar invites for supported third party apps when “Enable Third-Party Web-apps” was disabled. This has been fixed and users cannot launch Lifesize Connect Plus+ with Chrome when “Enable Third-Party Web-apps” is disabled.
June 21, 2024 – Preview
- Added the ability to default your Icon resolution to 1080p rather than 4K. This allows Lifesize Connect Plus+ to open your meeting quicker. To default your Icon resolution to 1080p, in WebUI on the System Behavior tab, toggle the Set system camera to 1080p resolution to On.
Important: When you change the Set system camera to 1080p resolution toggle to On, your Icon 500/700 will use 1080p instead of 4K to connect to Lifesize.
- Updated and fixed translations in German, Italian, French, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, and English for the following:
- Icon WebUI regarding thirdPartyApp, thirdPartyAppHelp, keepCookies and keepCookiesHelp, keepPrefs and keepPrefsHelp, allData and allDataHelp.
- Chrome regarding Installing Chrome, Virtual keyboard, 1080p setting, and device scale factor.
- Fixed an issue that left AMX and Crestron unable to log into the system after a firmware update on Icon 300/500/700s. After the upgrade the user had to log into the Icon WebUI and toggle the “Lower SSH security” option off and then back on. This issue has been fixed and third-party controllers can now authenticate with Icons after a firmware update without user intervention. Bottom of Form
- Fixed an issue that allowed users to join meetings via calendar invites for supported third party apps when “Enable Third-Party Web-apps” was disabled. This has been fixed and users cannot launch Lifesize Connect Plus+ with Chrome when “Enable Third-Party Web-apps” is disabled.
Version 4.5.3
March 22, 2024 – General Availability
March 8, 2024 – Preview
- Connect Plus +
- So that users do not mistakenly drop a call or trigger an unwanted action, the F1-F12 keys have been disabled while using Lifesize Connect Plus +.
- Web UI
- The process to generate and download a Diagnostics Report has been improved. You will notice that the Download button, which previously generated the report and triggered a download has been relabeled to read Generate.
- Click the Generate button and when the report has successfully completed a notification pops up. Click the Download Diagnostic Report button to download the report.
- Archive security has been enhanced so that non-authenticated users are unable to access archive information while downloading the diagnostic report.
- The ICON Web UI has been updated to use TLSv1.3 cryptographic suites.
- WebSockets security related to the ICON’s log-in process has been enhanced.
- The tcp dump download security has been improved.
- You can no longer use HTTP: when accessing the ICON Web UI. All connections must be secured using HTTPS:.
- Tools
- With this update, the OpenSSH version will be upgraded to 8.1p1.
- Connect Plus +
- Some French users found that when Caps Lock, Verr Maj, was enabled with the K400 keyboard, they could not enter a series of numbers. The French AZERTY Numeric keyboard has been added to the Choose Keyboard Layout dropdown list on the Profile tab in Web UI.
- Web UI
- Some French translations were missing on the Third-Party Meeting tab of the ICON Web UI. This has been corrected and the proper translation displays based on the language selected.
Version 4.5.2
December 15, 2023 – General Availability
December 1, 2023 – Preview
- Connect Plus +
- Some French translations of messages and screens were awkward to read. These translations have been corrected.
- Based on the language configured in your ICON settings, the message “Please make sure that the HDMI video device is connected” found on the shareHDMI webpage, is now displayed in the appropriate language: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Norsk, Czech, Nederland, Polski, Portuguese, Finland, Swedish, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, or Simplified Chinese.
- When closing the shareHDMI webpage, the prompt “Leave site?” no longer displays.
- The Lifesize logo and colors have been rebranded to reflect the theme of the Enghouse parent company.
- After rebooting the Phone HD, the Show Advanced Audio Settings button did not display. To see the button, the user had to open the WebUI and manually toggle “Show Advanced Audio Settings” from On to Off and then back to “ON.” This issue has been fixed, and the button displays properly after a reboot of the Phone HD.
- Previously, when you viewed a Third-Party Meeting meeting at 1080p the meeting did not display clearly. The display has been improved. Now, third-party meetings show at 1.5 scale when the Enable 1080 Resolution setting on the Third-party Meeting tab is On.
Version 4.5.1
September 8, 2023 – General Availability
September 8, 2023 – Preview
- Connect Plus +
- Fixed the issue where, although the Wireless Presentation option is enabled in the Icon Web Interface, the user was not presented with the wireless option on the Phone HD.
- Added French translations for Connect Plus+ pages that incorrectly displayed in English.
- Fixed the issue where Connect Plus+ v4.4.1 was not working with Cisco Webex®.
July 28, 2023 – General Availability
July 28, 2023 – Preview
- Connect Plus +
- Introduced a virtual keyboard to use in Lifesize Connect Plus+. When the keyboard is not visible, the user can click the keyboard icon and the keyboard displays on top of the Google Chrome application.
To enable or disable the virtual keyboard, open a browser, and navigate to the IP address of your Icon. On the Third Party Meetings tab, turn the Enable Virtual Keyboard option on or off. Click Save. - Introduced the ability to display Lifesize Connect Plus + meetings on a secondary touchscreen. When in a third-party meeting the main monitor and the secondary touchscreen display the same Web UI and the virtual keyboard/mouse can be used on the secondary touchscreen to enter information.
- Administrators can customize the Home page on the Phone HD to display the Apps button and properly connect to the Select a Third-Party Meeting Solution screen.
To enable or disable the Apps feature on the Home page, in the Admin console at manage.lifesize.com, click Room Systems, and then click on the specific room system with which you want to work. On the Settings tab, turn the Enable Third-Party Web-apps option on or off.
This update also fixes the issue that when the Connect + button was clicked on the Phone HD screen, the Select a Third-Party Meeting Solution screen did not properly display on the room system. - Added the ability to have Lifesize Connect Plus+ default to an external USB camera for third-party meeting applications, if an external USB camera is connected. A system reboot is required if the camera is connected after the system is turned on.
- Added CLI Commands which allow users to SWAP the displayed screen and go BACK to the previous screen in Lifesize Connect Plus+. See the CLI help for more information.
- Introduced a feature where the Apps button on the Phone HD Home screen is automatically disabled when the Third-Party App mode is disabled from the WebUI or Admin Console or if Google Chrome is uninstalled on the system. When disabled, the button appears gray. If the user clicks the Apps button after it is disabled, a message displays regarding the Third-Party Apps feature being disabled or Google Chrome not being installed.
- Added the ability to configure the Connect+ display resolution to 1080p.
To configure Connect+ to be displayed at 1080p, open a browser and navigate to the IP address of your Icon. On the Third-Party Meetings tab, turn the Enable 1080 resolution option On. Click Save.
- Introduced a virtual keyboard to use in Lifesize Connect Plus+. When the keyboard is not visible, the user can click the keyboard icon and the keyboard displays on top of the Google Chrome application.
- Connect Plus +
- Resolved the issue that third-party app and Google Chrome data was not clearing after a Lifesize Connect Plus+ meeting ended.
- Fixed the issue that the Local GEMS camera would freeze during Microsoft Teams meetings.
July 14, 2023 – Preview
- Connect Plus +
- Introduced a virtual keyboard to use in Lifesize Connect Plus+. When the keyboard is not visible, the user can click the keyboard icon and the keyboard displays on top of the Google Chrome application.
To enable or disable the virtual keyboard, open a browser, and navigate to the IP address of your Icon. On the Third Party Meetings tab, turn the Enable Virtual Keyboard option on or off. Click Save. - Introduced the ability to display Lifesize Connect Plus + meetings on a secondary touchscreen. When in a third-party meeting the main monitor and the secondary touchscreen display the same Web UI and the virtual keyboard/mouse can be used on the secondary touchscreen to enter information.
- Administrators can customize the Home page on the Phone HD to display the Apps button and properly connect to the Select a Third-Party Meeting Solution screen.
To enable or disable the Apps feature on the Home page, in the Admin console at manage.lifesize.com, click Room Systems, and then click on the specific room system with which you want to work. On the Settings tab, turn the Enable Third-Party Web-apps option on or off.
This update also fixes the issue that when the Connect + button was clicked on the Phone HD screen, the Select a Third-Party Meeting Solution screen did not properly display on the room system. - Added the ability to have Lifesize Connect Plus+ default to an external USB camera for third-party meeting applications, if an external USB camera is connected. A system reboot is required if the camera is connected after the system is turned on.
- Added CLI Commands which allow users to SWAP the displayed screen and go BACK to the previous screen in Lifesize Connect Plus+. See the CLI help for more information.
- Introduced a feature where the Apps button on the Phone HD Home screen is automatically disabled when the Third-Party App mode is disabled from the WebUI or Admin Console or if Google Chrome is uninstalled on the system. When disabled, the button appears gray. If the user clicks the Apps button after it is disabled, a message displays regarding the Third-Party Apps feature being disabled or Google Chrome not being installed.
- Introduced a virtual keyboard to use in Lifesize Connect Plus+. When the keyboard is not visible, the user can click the keyboard icon and the keyboard displays on top of the Google Chrome application.
- Connect Plus +
- Resolved the issue that third-party app and Google Chrome data was not clearing after a Lifesize Connect Plus+ meeting ended.
- Fixed the issue that the Local GEMS camera would freeze during Microsoft Teams meetings.
Version 4.4.1
May 19, 2023 – General Availability
May 5, 2023 – Preview
- Connect Plus +
- Introduced Calendaring Support for Google Meet in Connect Plus+
- When the ICON 300/500/700 receives a Google Meet calendar invitation and the user clicks the one touch join button on the Phone HD, the ICON automatically opens the Google Meet web application and prompts the user to join the meeting.
- If Connect Plus+ is not properly installed, the join meeting option fails and the ICON beeps.
- Introduced Calendaring Support for Cisco Webex in Connect Plus+
- When an ICON 300/500/700 receives a Cisco Webex calendar invitation and the user clicks the one touch join button on the Phone HD, the ICON automatically opens the Cisco Webex web application and prompts the user to join the meeting.
- If Connect Plus+ is not properly installed, the ICON dials to the Webex Meeting using the SIP protocol. If a SIP URI is not included in the calendar invitation the join meeting option fails and the ICON beeps.
- Added more informational support for low disk space on the Phone HD
- Added and Improved translations regarding Connect Plus+ on the Phone HD and the Meeting Solution Selection page.
- Added a configuration file to the Lifesize Connect Plus+ installation that pre-configures Chrome when used with the ICON. The configuration file does the following:
- Automatically gains access to the microphone and camera when using Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Cisco Webex, without manual confirmation.
- Automatically accepts notifications from Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Cisco Webex.
- Automatically disables the Password Manager which requests to save the password when you login to the third-party application.
- Blocks pop-ups.
- Configures the Home Page and New Tab with the Meeting Solution Selection page.
- Changes the options that you can choose for the Clear third party app data setting when configuring third party meetings. You can now choose:
- Clear all data
- Retain authentication cookies
- Introduced Calendaring Support for Google Meet in Connect Plus+
- Connect Plus +
- Resolved the issue that the microphone muted when a user shared a presentation in Zoom meetings.
- Improved the audio quality for Zoom and Microsoft Teams meetings that are joined using the calendar integration.
- Resolved the issue where antivirus applications caused Icon calendar invitations to fail for Microsoft Teams meetings.
- Improved the v4.4.0 installation. The version of Google Chrome is now checked to ensure that it is newer than 110 before removing and replacing it as part of the 4.4.0 update.
- Resolved the issue that when the host used the Back button during a third-party meeting, the screen froze for the participants.
- Corrected the issue where the user was unable to join a Microsoft Teams meeting when authentication cookies and data were retained.
- Corrected the Spanish language translation of the Present button on the Phone HD.
- Resolved issues and errors that occur when switching between Lifesize Connect Plus+ and Lifesize mode.
March 24, 2023 – General Availability
March 24, 2023 – Preview
- Connect Plus +
- Added support for installing the Google Chrome for Linux web browser on the Icon room system. This allows you to access the native web app experiences of the following third-party meeting services: Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, and Cisco Webex.
- Added support for automatically uninstalling any previously installed Linux apps for Microsoft Teams and Zoom from the Icon room system.
- Phone HD UI updates:
- Replaced the “Connect” option on the Phone HD with a new “Apps” option. When you choose the Apps option, the Connect Plus + mode is enabled.
- Implemented a “Swap” option which is only visible when in Connect Plus + mode and allows you to either:
- View any video source connected to the presentation input of the Lifesize Icon room system (HDMI-IN) – Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet.
- Navigate around the web app buttons – Cisco Webex.
- Implemented a new “Back” option on the Phone HD, which is visible when in Connect Plus + mode and allows you to return to the previous step in history on the web app experience.
- Implemented the Meeting Solution Selection page, which is visible on the Icon room system monitor when the “Apps” option is pressed and allows users to choose the third-party meeting service they wish to use.
- WebUI updates:
- Removed the ability to install third-party apps other than the Google Chrome web browser.
- Updated the user & cookie information retention options on the Icon room system WebUI.
- Icon Calendar updates:
- When the Connect Plus feature is enabled, Microsoft Teams and Zoom meeting invitations open the installed Google Chrome browser and point the user directly to the respective meeting page.
- Extra improvements for system stability.
- Connect Plus +
- Deactivated some special keys on the attached keyboard to improve browser stability.
- Fixed the lipsync issue noticed in some 3rd-party meeting calls.
- Reduced the audio gain from the Phone HD microphones when in Connect Plus + mode to avoid distortion.
Known Issues:
- The Icon 500 and Icon 700 camera settings show Lifesize USB as an option when running Lifesize and Third-party apps using Connect Plus+ with Chrome.
- When using keyboards with special multimedia keys, some of those keys trigger non-desired effects on the installed Web browser.
March 10, 2023 – Preview
- Connect Plus +
- Added support for installing the Google Chrome for Linux web browser on the Icon room system. This allows you to access the native web app experiences of the following third-party meeting services: Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, and Cisco Webex.
- Added support for automatically uninstalling any previously installed Linux apps for Microsoft Teams and Zoom from the Icon room system.
- Phone HD UI updates:
- Replaced the “Connect” option on the Phone HD with a new “Apps” option. When you choose the Apps option, the Connect Plus + mode is enabled.
- Implemented a “Swap” option which is only visible when in Connect Plus + mode and allows you to either:
- View any video source connected to the presentation input of the Lifesize Icon room system (HDMI-IN) – Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet.
- Navigate around the web app buttons – Cisco Webex.
- Implemented a new “Back” option on the Phone HD, which is visible when in Connect Plus + mode and allows you to return to the previous step in history on the web app experience.
- Implemented the Connect Plus Launcher, which is visible on the Icon room system monitor when the “Apps” option is pressed and allows users to choose the third-party meeting service they wish to use.
- WebUI updates:
- Removed the ability to install third-party apps other than the Google Chrome web browser.
- Updated the user & cookie information retention options on the Icon room system WebUI.
- Icon Calendar updates:
- Microsoft Teams and Zoom meeting invitations will now open the installed Google Chrome browser and point the user directly to the respective meeting page.
- Extra improvements for system stability.
- Connect Plus +
- Reduced the audio gain from the Phone HD microphones when in Connect Plus + mode to avoid distortion.
Known Issues:
- The Icon 500 and Icon 700 camera settings show Lifesize USB as an option when running Lifesize and Third-party apps using Connect Plus+ with Chrome.
Version 4.3.3
February 19, 2023 – General Availability
February 6, 2023 – Preview
- Connect Plus +
- Improved the appearance of meeting locations in calendar entries in the Phone HD user interface by suppressing long meeting URLs.
- Introduced new CLISH instructions so you can quickly discover what third-party applications are installed or running.
- Connect Plus +
- Improved camera stability when in Connect Plus+ mode. This includes issues such as:
- The blank screen experienced by some users during the first few minutes of a call or when switching between applications and modes.
- The distorted screen experienced by some users when switching the camera setting during a call.
- The blank screen experienced by some users when the Icon 700 was rebooted while in Connect Plus+ mode, using Chrome, Teams, or Zoom, and returned to Lifesize mode.
- The camera was not detected when Teams launched using Connect Plus+ on the Icon 700 camera.
- Resolved the issue where the WebUI remained signed-in after a reboot of the camera or after a upgrade.
- Resolved the issue that the Download button for the Generate & Download Diagnostic Report in the WebUI is not available after the user starts a third-party app and then navigates to the third-party app tab.
- Improved camera stability when in Connect Plus+ mode. This includes issues such as:
Known Issues:
- The camera settings for Icon 500 and Icon 700 cameras show Lifesize USB as an option when running Lifesize and Third-party apps using Connect Plus+ with Chrome.
Version 4.3.2
January 13, 2023 – General Availability
December 5, 2022 – Preview
- Connect Plus +
- Resolved the blank-screen issue experienced by some users launching the latest 5.12.9 (367) version of the Zoom app with a 4K display connected to their Icon 500/700 system. [GEMS-6690 / GEMS-6695]
Known Issues:
- Connect Plus+
- Microsoft Teams desktop app users must manually select “Gems-Camera” each time they launch the app.
Version 4.3.1
November 23, 2022 – Preview
- Connect Plus +
- Introduced the calendar-driven Lifesize “one touch join” experience that allows you to launch scheduled Microsoft Teams® meetings with the installed Microsoft Teams desktop (Icon 500/700) or Microsoft Teams web app (Icon 300). Learn More.
- Added support for the latest Zoom® desktop v5.12.6 (173) software.
- Added support for the latest Microsoft Teams desktop v1.5.00.23861-1 software. (Icon 500/700 only)
NOTE: Customers should refer to third-party app vendor documentation for details of supported user interface languages.
Known Issues:
- Connect Plus+
- Microsoft Teams desktop app users must manually select “Gems-Camera” each time they launch the app.
Version 4.3.0
October 1, 2022 – Preview
- Connect Plus +
- Icon 300 Only
- Added the option to install the Google Chrome™ browser for Linux desktops.
- Added the option to use Microsoft Teams® (webapp) via Google Chrome.
- Added the option to use Cisco Webex® (webapp) via Google Chrome.
- Removed the option to install the Microsoft Teams® desktop app.
- Icon 300/500/700
- Added support for the latest Zoom desktop v5.12 (4682) software.
- Icon 300 Only
- System web user interface
- Improved local language support within the Lifesize web user interface.
NOTE: Customers should refer to third-party app vendor documentation for details of supported user interface languages.
- Resolved the issue where disconnecting the HDMI input cable during a call failed to automatically stop the presentation from being transmitted. [GEMS-6627]
Known Issues:
- Connect Plus+
- Microsoft Teams desktop app users must manually select “Gems-Camera” each time they launch the app.
Version 4.2.2
August 1, 2022
- Connect Plus +
- Formal release (General Availability) of the Lifesize Connect Plus+ feature.
- New options for administrators to clear all cached data or clear all data except authentication cookies when using third-party desktop applications.
- Improved local language support within the Lifesize user interface.
NOTE: Customers should refer to third-party app vendor documentation for details of supported user interface languages. - New Lifesize system default Camera, Microphone, and Speaker settings when using third-party desktop apps.
Known issue:
- Microsoft Teams desktop app users must manually select “Gems-Camera” at first use.
Version 4.2.1
July 1, 2022
- Connect Plus+ (Preview)
- Improved system performance when in desktop mode.
- Added support for Zoom desktop app on Icon 300 systems.
- Improved audio when using Microsoft Teams app.
- Introduced new CLISH instructions.
- System web user interface
- Added option to disable SSH access.
- Added option to lower SSH security – Allows backward compatibility with third-party control solutions.
Version 4.2.0
May 2, 2022
- The initial preview of Lifesize Connect Plus+ is available for Icon room systems.
Version 4.1.2
November 19, 2021
- Introduction of the new Multi-App Room Solution (MARS) mode.
- Security: Depreciation of TLS RSA key support.
- Resolves display of incorrect network duplex mode information on Phone HD.
- Resolution of SIP (VoIP) compatibility issues with Mitel PBX and Alcatel OmniPCX.
Connect SW Version 1.0.193
July 9, 2021
- Updated installer: Now includes automatic installation of the prerequisite Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package.
Connect SW Version 1.0.188
July 9, 2021
- This version resolves an issue where some users were experiencing a blue screen instead of video feed while on calls with the Connect software using an app such as Teams, Zoom, or Lifesize
Version 4.0.4
April 29
- Feature support for 802.1x port based authentication
- Added the ability to disable dual stream configuration from the Phone HD UI menu
- Resolved issues with one-way audio with certain SIP vendors
Version 4.0.2
April 2
- Added the ability to display and configure system audio and advanced call settings through new piano key menus accessible on the Phone HD
- Improvements to system, network, and in-call configurations made via the command line interface
- Improved static noise issues reported for VoIP calls by removing custom rate control of audio packets and honoring the PBX settings
- Resolved issues with 16:9 ratio not being maintained in SFU calls
- Systems automatically defaulting to Wired settings following a physical reboot instead of the configured WiFi settings
- Addressed an issue with web proxy configuration to resolve problems including customer’s user name and password authentication
Version 4.0.0
March 8
- Added the ability to share content over network connection instead of direct HDMI cable connection
- Improvements have been made to the Web UI and CLISH options for configuring integrator mode options, such as setting audio input options
- Updated the language translations for Web UI, On-Screen UI, and PhoneHD for all supported languages
- Command line interface access has been provided for temporary Support logins
- Intermittent static noise and loss of audio packets when two digital micpods are connected to the PhoneHD
- Integrator mode for Audio line-in/line-out with external AEC resulting in a static noise heard at the far end
Version 3.12.0
February 5
- General Availability for the Lifesize Connect hardware solution for Icon 500/700 dual-screen capable systems is now supported to enables the use of a room system’s camera and microphone hardware to join third-party meetings on a personal device, controllable through the Admin Console
- Resolved an issue that occurred after rebooting an Icon system while leaving a content source connected via HDMI cable, resulting in the Room Controller App not recognizing the existing content connection until the HDMI was disconnected and reconnected
Version 3.11.2
December 19
- Far-end participants unable to hear audio
Version 3.10.1
December 4
- Resolved an issue with Icon 300-500-700 systems where audio and video stopped streaming while in a Zoom conference
Version 3.10.1
November 4
- Issues with Icon users observing audio sync issues in other call participants
- Some users experienced issues with media services requiring a restart during a call
Version 3.10.0
October 23
- Support has been added for Icon units to have daily scheduled reboots completed automatically
- The ability to perform audio signal tests in the event of a failed Audio Signal Measurement health check
- Brief moments of audio echo leaks during a call
- Intermittent delays with audio and video synchronization
- Issues with generating and uploading coroner reports if multiple attempts are made within the same session
Version 3.9.1
September 25
- The character limitation for the names of virtual meeting rooms has been extended
- The ability to upload system log files to Lifesize Cloud has been added
- End + Answer notification was not clearing on the PhoneHD display after the notification is complete
- Incorrect in-call presentation layout has been resolved
Version 3.9.0
August 27
- Packet leak on phone port for security enhancement
- Phone UI will dismiss calendar join notification when dismissed from Room Controller App
- Report total and percent packet lost in transmit direction
- Cloud registration failure after a network event
Version 3.8.1
July 9
- “Raise Hand” feature support has been added for non-moderator participants
- Security vulnerabilities have been addressed by removing support for TLS 1.0 and RC4 cipher suites
- Fixed wireless configuration failure due to corrupted WPA supplicant file
Version 3.8.0
June 9
- Single display system with out of call presentation will now show local camera view when enabled
- Address video artifacts and discoloration in escalated calls
- Occasional failure to receive audio
- Occasional in-call video freeze