Lifesize® Icon™ Series 300/500/700

Last Updated: Feb 28, 2023

Set up with Lifesize Phone HD

Follow these steps during your Icon’s initial configuration to set up with Lifesize Phone HD.

  1. Open a browser and navigate to the IP address shown on your Icon. NOTE: This can be found on your Phone HD by tapping Start > System.
  2. Select your language from the list and then click Next.
  3. Select your time zone.
  4. Set and confirm an administrator password. This allows administrator access to the system’s web interface.
  5. Set and confirm a Lifesize Phone HD admin passcode. This allows access to administrator settings in Lifesize Phone HD.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select your audio output (Phone HD or TV display or speakers) and then click Next.
  8. You have completed the setup. Click Go to Admin Console to pair your system with Lifesize service.
  9. You can associate the Icon to an individual user or a conference room.
Individual userMe allows Lifesize end users to associate the device to themselves.User allows Lifesize admins to associate the device to any user or existing room system in their Lifesize group.
Conference roomUse this option if the device resides in a conference room and is intended for multiple users.Creates a separate Lifesize account for the Icon. Enter a name for the system that will appear in the directory. Optionally, enter an email address for calling the system.
  1. Click Activate.

You are now ready to place your first call.

Watch the following video for more information on unboxing and setting up Lifesize 700.