Polycom HDX series
- Enter the IP address of the device in your browser. Enter your username and password.
- Click Admin Settings and navigate to Network > IP Network.

- Configure the following:
- Enable SIP.
- Select Specify for the SIP Server Configuration.
- Enter lifesizecloud.com as the Registrar Server.
- Enter lifesizecloud.com as the Proxy Server.
- Select Auto for the Transport Protocol.
- Enter the User Name. This is the extension of the device.
- Enter the Domain User Name. This is the extension of the device.
- Click the Password checkbox. Enter and confirm the Password.
- Click Update.
To view the status of your system, navigate to Diagnostics > System Status.
Configure LDAP
- Navigate to Global Services > Directory Servers.

- Configure the following:
- Enable LDAP.
- Enter ldapexport.lifesizecloud.com as the Server Address.
- Enter the Server Port.
- Enter the Group Name.
- Enter the Default Group.
- Enter o=cloud, dc=lifesize, dc=com as the Base DN (Distinguished Name).
- Select Basic as the Authentication Type.
- Enter uid=<extension> as the Bind DN (Distinguished Name).
- Click Update.