Lifesize® Icon™ 400/450/600/800

Last Updated: Jan 25, 2023

Lifesize MCUs

When UVC Multipoint or Lifesize Bridge is integrated with your Lifesize Icon video system, users can select  >  to join scheduled and on demand bridge conferences.

Configure integration in Preferences > MCUs.

PreferenceDescriptionDefault Value
Enable MCU IntegrationSelect to integrate the Lifesize video system with UVC Multipoint or Lifesize Bridge.Disabled
IP AddressThe IP address of UVC Multipoint or Lifesize Bridge.No default
The username and password for your UVC Multipoint or Lifesize Bridge administrator account.No defaults

NOTE: If UVC ClearSea manages your Lifesize Icon or your Icon is connected to the Lifesize cloud-based service, you cannot edit MCU preferences.

The list of conferences available in Meetings  includes live events and events that start within 10 minutes. Each entry in the list includes the event’s start time, title, description, attendees and their location. Calls that require a passcode show a lock icon. The event’s status can be:

Live SoonThe meeting will start within 10 minutes.
LiveThe meeting has started.
ReadyReady to join. The meeting has no participants.
ActiveParticipants have already joined the meeting.If an active meeting is full, Lifesize Bridge does not accept new participants.
The meeting has no participants and no ports are available.