Lifesize® Icon™ 400/450/600/800

Last Updated: Jan 25, 2023

Activating Icon

Connect to the Lifesize cloud-based service during initial configuration. Learn more.

To initiate this process after installation, reset your system to its default settings. Read more about resetting the system.

NOTE: You must have a Lifesize user account to connect your Icon to the service.

  1. When the initial configuration wizard asks you to join the Lifesize cloud-based service, select Yes.
  2. Open a browser and navigate to the URL shown on your Icon.
    NOTE: You cannot activate your Icon from the system’s web interface.
  3. Sign in by entering your Lifesize email address and password.
  4. Enter the activation code shown on your Icon.
    Scanning the QR code opens the Lifesize sign-in page in a browser, where your activation code already appears.
  5. You can associate an Icon to an individual user or a conference room.
    Individual userMe – allows Lifesize end users to associate the device to themselves.
    User – allows Lifesize admins to associate the device to any user in their Lifesize group.Conference roomUse this option if the device resides in a conference room and is intended for multiple users.
    Creates a separate Lifesize account for the Icon. Enter a name for the system that will appear in the directory. Optionally, enter an email address for calling the system
  6. From the Icon main screen, navigate to  >  to view the status of the system. When your Icon is successfully activated, Ready shows for Communications > Lifesize Cloud Service.

For Icon 450 only: At the end of the Lifesize cloud-based service pairing process, you will see an option to set up smart-framing. Select Yes to start the calibration process or select No to set up later. See Smart-framing calibration for more information.