Lifesize® Icon™ 400/450/600/800

Last Updated: Jan 25, 2023

Enabling Icon support for Lifesize MCU conferences

This configuration allows Icon to dial in to bridge conferences through UVC ClearSea. The managed MCU populates Meetings  on Icon.

Complete the following prerequisite steps on UVC ClearSea:

  1. Add an MCU in Manage > MCUs. Select Enable MCU Integration.
  2. Create a user account for your Icon in Manage > Users.
    • Users registering with SIP or H.323 devices must use local credentials.
    • Enter the device’s IP address in UVC Auto Provisioning.
  3. Add a call routing rule in Manage > Call Routing that forwards the dial string to the MCU address. The forwarding destination uses the format: <dialstring>@<mcuIPAddress>

When Icon discovers the provisioning server, Icon retrieves the following configuration settings from UVC ClearSea and applies them locally:

Icon preferenceDescription
DirectoryRegisters to the directory server in UVC ClearSea.Uses the credentials from UVC Address Book in the Icon account you created in UVC ClearSea (in Manage > Users).
H.323Enables H.323 and registers to the gatekeeper in UVC ClearSea using the following settings:Sets Name and Extension to the user ID and extension for the Icon account you created in UVC ClearSea.Sets Gatekeeper Mode to Manual.Sets Gatekeeper Address to the IP address or domain name for UVC ClearSea Server.Sets Gatekeeper Username and Gatekeeper Password to the user ID and password of the Icon account you created in UVC ClearSea.
SIPEnables SIP.
MCUsUses a Lifesize MCU integrated with UVC ClearSea.Uses the IP address for the UVC ClearSea Server and the user ID and password of the Icon user account you created in UVC ClearSea.

Registering Icon to UVC ClearSea through the SIP registrar

Lifesize recommends that you register Icon over H.323 or SIP, not both. If you register the device over SIP, keep H.323 enabled.

  1. Navigate to Preferences > SIP Registrar.
  2. Enter the user ID of the Icon account you created in UVC ClearSea in SIP Username.
  3. Enter the user ID and password of the Icon account you created in UVC ClearSea in Authorization Username and Authorization Password.
  4. Enter the IP address or domain name for UVC ClearSea in Registrar Hostname and Proxy Hostname (if you use a SIP proxy).