Lifesize® Icon™ 400/450/600/800

Last Updated: Jan 25, 2023


By default, Lifesize systems support the SIP protocol for placing and receiving video and voice calls. Lifesize Icon systems have the ability to register to two independent SIP services simultaneously, allowing registration to both a SIP video service and a local SIP VoIP telephone system. Configure SIP preferences in Preferences > SIP Registrar 1 (or 2).

NOTE: If UVC ClearSea manages your Lifesize Icon or your Icon is connected to the Lifesize cloud-based service, you cannot edit SIP Registrar 1 preferences. Instead you can use the SIP Registrar 2 preferences for registration with a local SIP voice service.

PreferenceDescriptionDefault Value
SIP Registrar 1: Use SIPWhen enabled, allows you to specify a SIP name to use when placing a call.Enabled
SIP Registrar 2: Use SIPWhen enabled, allows you to specify a SIP name to use when placing a call.Disabled
SIP UsernameSIP username for the device.Lifesize
Authorization UsernameSIP server authorization username. Set a value only if required by the registrar or proxy.No default
Authorization PasswordSIP server authorization password. Set a value only if required by the registrar or proxy.No default
SIP Server TypeType of SIP registrar and proxy servers.Auto
SIP RegistrarWhen enabled, uses a SIP registrar.Disabled
Registrar HostnameHostname or IP address of the SIP registrar.No default
SIP RegistrationCommunication path to use when registering with a SIP registrar. SIP devices use register settings to dynamically register their current location.Direct
SIP ProxyWhen enabled, uses a SIP proxy server.Disabled
Proxy HostnameHostname or IP address of the SIP proxy server.No default
SIP SignalingPreferred SIP signaling protocol. Signaling protocols are mutually exclusive; enabling one disables the others.To enable transport security for signaling, set the value to TLS.To enforce encrypted media in SIP calls, set SIP Security in Preferences > Security to StrictRead more.Auto

To enable or disable support for SIP calls, clear Use SIP in Preferences > SIP Registrar 1 (and 2) > General when the system is not in a call.

If SIP calling is enabled through UVC Transit, clear Enable for SIP in Preferences > Lifesize UVC Transit. Read more at Integrating With Lifesize UVC Transit.

When you save your changes, the yellow system health indicator  appears when your Lifesize system is trying to register with the SIP server. If the registration fails, the red indicator  appears. Select  >  for more information about the issue.

The system reports registration status in  > , and the configured system numbers appear in .